
For all offerings using Oracle Database 19c or later, if you are not licensed for Oracle Multitenant, then you may have up to 3 user-created PDBs in a given container database at any time. For all offerings using Oracle Database 12.1 through 18c, if you are not licensed for Oracle Multitenant, then the container database architecture is available in single-tenant mode, that is, with one user-created PDB, one user-created application root, and one user-created proxy PDB.

EE: Extra cost option; if you are licensed for Oracle Multitenant, then you can create up to 252 PDBs.

ODA and Exa: Extra cost option; if you are licensed for Oracle Multitenant, then you can create up to 4096 PDBs.

ExaCS/CC, DBCS EE-HP, and DBCS EE-EP: Included option; you can create up to 4096 PDBs.

You now can control the size of the batch of heartbeats that use Oracle Key Vault or OCI KMS (OCI Vault) for centralized key management. The HEARTBEAT_BATCH_SIZE initialization parameter, new with this release, enables you to set the heartbeat batch size. The duration of the heartbeat period defaults to 3 seconds.

This enhancement benefits the situation where you have a very large deployment of PDBs (for example, 1000) that use Oracle Key Vault. By setting the heartbeat batch size, you can stagger the heartbeats across batches of PDBs to ensure that for each batch a heartbeat can be completed for each PDB within the batch during the heartbeat period, and also ensure that PDB keys can be reliably fetched from an Oracle Key Vault server and cached in the persistent state.

For more information see:

Query v$sql_monitor is slow. the execution plan shows ‘Full Table Scan’ on Fixed table ‘X$KESWXMON’.
The fix for 28789533 is first included in:
Oracle APR 2021 DB RU